Countless souls saved and hope restored by the grace of God through All For One Missions International


How we work

Fundraising as a Church

AFOM is truly a “missionary church.”  Sunday donations do not provide sufficient funds to operate independently as we are located in a low-income, at-risk community.  AFOM operates by the Grace of God, and the generosity of those who tithe and/or donate from outside the immediate neighborhood area. 

Missionary Pastor

The Pastor of AFOM is a “missionary pastor.” He currently receives no income from Sunday offerings because he feels the needs of the church body and operation costs should come first.  In order for the pastor to continue in full-time ministry, he currently raises funds through personal contacts and through the generosity of other churches and individuals who feel called to help support the work of AFOM.

Mission Trips / Youth Programs / Outreach / Revivals / Clothes Pantry / Food Pantry / Benevolence

All these activities, whether community service, outreach, assisting those in need, spending time with “AT RISK” youth to help them prepare for a better life through Jesus, or missions trips, all require funding.  AFOM fully relies on God for support through donations, tithes and other blessings from outside the current church body.


We greatly appreciate those who have answered the call to support us, We assisted several families with food and much-needed clothing, help families pay bills, help purchase school supplies, host youth nights and activities, see many kids come to know Jesus, along with several adults as well. AFOM also has a huge impact overseas as we see many receive Christ in Trinidad, and Costa Rica.

AFOM is grateful to those who have given of their time, efforts, and finances to make a difference in the lives around them by showing the love of Jesus.  Thank you to those of you who have already given towards our ongoing mission, and we trust God will lead others to join us as we seek God’s blessings in the local and overseas mission fields for another year!


Ready to help?


