Tim and Christina began their journey in 2012. They were given a mission trip to Trinidad by their home church, and that trip would forever change their lives.
They were moved by the presence of God, watched many people accept Christ, and were personally touched by the Lord.
After returning home, they knew they were to do missions the rest of their lives. The next year they began to lead the team and establish overseas contacts. Through this process, the Lord called Tim to be an evangelist.
After seven years of experience leading teams overseas and preaching in the streets, Tim and Christina raised money to purchase an enclosed trailer, sound equipment, tents, chairs, etc. in order to begin doing revivals locally as well as overseas.
Tim and Christina planned their first U.S. revival at a church in their home town, they set things up in the church yard and had a huge outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the neighborhood where several came forward to receive Jesus. The following Sunday, they visited the church and were convicted to stay and help the church. Soon, they were asked to lead the church as pastors.
Tim and Christina formed their own 501c3 (“All For One Missions International”) and now (Pastor) serve the church under that name as well as continuing to lead mission trips to Trinidad & Tobago, and Costa Rica.
Tim and Christina are answering God’s call in their lives, and have a vision to raise up more evangelists, plant churches in at-risk neighborhoods, continue to grow overseas ministries, and to spread the word of God & love of Jesus to all.